ZModeler Tutorial v2.0

Making The Rear

Starting the rear may be less difficult or more difficult, depending on the type of vehicle you are creating.  With this van, it is pretty easy. 

Load the rear image into the "Back" view in ZModeler if you haven't done so already.

You should first start off with curving polygons from the side to the rear like so:

Using the Left view will not give you much when extruding.  You can only use the Left view now for making sure the polygons are the same as the side.

You can then start modeling the back, while referring to the top view to see if you're positioning the vertices correctly.

It shouldn't be too difficult to create the rest, since you know how to extrude now.

After all is said and done, your rear should be complete.

Because I relied more on the top and side views for the bumper, they did not align perfectly in the rear view.

Congratulations on finishing the rear of your vehicle!

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